A word which is opposite in meaning to the given word is called its Antonym.
Hence the word abase means to dishonour hence its antonym would be exalt.
Words with nearly the same meaning but used differently, are called synonyms.
For e.g., the word abash means to confound, so confound is its synonym.
WORD: Abase
Synonyms: Debase, degrade, depress, detrude, disgrace, dishonor, drop, humiliate, lower, reduce, sink.
Antonym: Exalt, Adore, extol, glorify. Laud, magnify, praise.
WORD: Abate
Synonyms: Allay, appease, assuage, calm, decline, decrease, deduct, diminish, lessen, moderate, pacify, reduce, sink, soften, soothe, subside, wane.
Antonym: Increase, Amplify, enhance, enlarge, multiply, protract, spread.
WORD: Abbreviate
Abridge, compress, condense, curtail, epitomize, reduce, shorten shrink, summaries.
Antonym: Amplify, Elongate, enlarge, expand, extend, lengthen, prolong.
WORD: Aberrant
Abnormal, deviating, devious, disconnected, eccentric, idiotic, inconsistent, irregular, peculiar, singular, wandering.
Antonym: Regular,
Natural, normal, rhythmic, stated, typical, usual.WORD: Abet
Advocate, aid, assist, back, countenance, encourage, favor, good, help, incite, sanction, spur, succors, support, sustain, urge.
Antonym: Hinder, Check, deter, discourage, interrupt, obstruct, oppose.
WORD: Abscond
Bolt, decamp, disappear, elope, escape, flee, fly, hide, retreat, withdraw.
Antonym: Emerge, Appear, emanate, loom.
WORD: Absolve
Acquit, clear, exonerate, forgive, free, loose, pardon, ransom, release, remit.
Antonym: Condemn, Accuse, charge, convict, sentence.
WORD: Baffle
Astound, balk, bemuse, bewilder, check, confound, defeat, foil, frustrate, mar, perplex, thwart, upset.
Antonym: Help, Abet, aid, assist, back.
WORD: Bashful
Abashed, coy, diffident, modest, shy, timid, timorous.
Antonym: Bold, courageous, daring, gallant.
WORD: Benign
Benevolent, friendly, gentle, good, gracious, hymen, kind, kindly, obliging, sweet.
Antonym: Malevolent, Harsh, hard, rough, tough.
WORD: Berate
Chide, criticize, rebuke, reprimand, reprove,
Antonym: Praise, Exalt, extol, glorify.
WORD: Bewilder
Astonish, befog, be muddle, confound, confuse, daze, embarrass, muddle, mystify, perplex, puzzle, stagger.
Antonym: Enlighten, Acquaint, edify, educate, teach.
WORD: Bigotry
Fanaticism, obstinacy, prejudice, zealotry.
Antonym: Tolerance, Endurance, patience.
WORD: Cacophonous
Cacophonic, cacophonies, discordant, grating, harsh, jarring.
Antonym: Harmonious
Accordant, concordant, euphonic, melodious.
WORD: Cajole
Beguile, blandish, coax, deceive, delude, dupe, entrap, fawn, flatter, impose, inveigle, lure, mislead, persuade, tempt.
Antonym: Warn, Admonish, advise, caution.
WORD: Chagrin
Anger, annoyance, displeasure, disquiet, exasperation, irritation, mortification, vexation.
Antonym: Pleasure, Ecstasy, enjoyment, happiness, joy.
WORD: Circuitous
Devious, indirect, roundabout, tortuous, turning, winding.
Antonym: Direct, Linear, straight.
Etymology, as you know deals with the history of words. It is the study of the sources and development of words. If you know the root of words you would be able to know the meaning of related words. Here are some examples
Word : egoist
Meaning : me first Root : ego(I)
Word : egotist
Meaning : the height of conceit
Root : ego(I)
Word : egocentric
Meaning :
consider oneself the center of universeRoot : ego(I)
Word : egomaniac
Meaning : your needs, desires and interests have become an obsession
Root : ego(I)
Word : altruism
Meaning : interest in the welfare of the others
Root : alter(other)
Word : altruist
Meaning : a person who looks after the welfare of the others
Root : alter(other)
Word : altruistic
Meaning : nature related to the above
Root : alter(other)
Word : alternate
Meaning : skip one and take the other
Root : alter(other)
Word : alternative
Meaning : no other choice
Root : alter(other)
Word : alteration
Meaning : make into another
Root : alter(other)
Word : alter ego
Meaning : other self
Root : alter(other)
Word : altercation
Meaning : a violent disagreement because of other ideas
Root : alter (other)
what is the antonym for usual?
What is it?
and what's the antonym for harsh?it is still this spelling list.
you people need to add this torturous.come on people everyone in my class knows that expect me!
You need to get a life, seriously!
Please don't try cheap tricks like republishing old posts to get on top in Kerala Blogroll.
You are smart, but not the smartest.
You will be out of KBR soon.
Good bye!
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